Magic Stronghold Games and Accessories


Bellsprout (#49/64) - 1st Edition - $1 - 5 In StockBellsprout (#49/64) - Unlimited - $0.35 - 12 In StockButterfree (#33/64) - 1st Edition - $10 - Out of StockButterfree (#33/64) - Unlimited - $1.5 - 3 In StockClefable (#17/64) - 1st Edition - $12 - Out of StockClefable (#17/64) - Unlimited - $4 - 1 In StockClefable (1, #01/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $50 - Out of StockClefable (1, #01/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $28 - Out of StockCubone (#50/64) - 1st Edition - $2.5 - 3 In StockCubone (#50/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - 12 In StockDodrio (#34/64) - 1st Edition - $3 - Out of StockDodrio (#34/64) - Unlimited - $1 - Out of StockEevee (#51/64) - 1st Edition - $15 - Out of StockEevee (#51/64) - Unlimited - $1 - 14 In StockElectrode (#18/64) - 1st Edition - $20 - Out of StockElectrode (#18/64) - Unlimited - $6 - 1 In StockElectrode (2, #02/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $50 - Out of StockElectrode (2, #02/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $23 - Out of StockExeggcute (#52/64) - 1st Edition - $1 - 9 In StockExeggcute (#52/64) - Unlimited - $0.35 - 9 In StockExeggutor (#35/64) - 1st Edition - $5 - Out of StockExeggutor (#35/64) - Unlimited - $0.75 - 4 In StockFearow (#36/64) - 1st Edition - $2 - Out of StockFearow (#36/64) - Unlimited - $0.75 - Out of StockFlareon (#19/64) - 1st Edition - $28 - Out of StockFlareon (#19/64) - Unlimited - $11 - Out of StockFlareon (3, #03/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $175 - Out of StockFlareon (3, #03/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $65 - Out of StockGloom (#37/64) - 1st Edition - $2 - Out of StockGloom (#37/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - 7 In StockGoldeen (#53/64) - 1st Edition - $2 - 6 In StockGoldeen (#53/64) - Unlimited - $0.35 - 7 In StockJigglypuff (#54/64) - 1st Edition - $2 - Out of StockJigglypuff (#54/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - 17 In StockJolteon (#20/64) - 1st Edition - $30 - 1 In StockJolteon (#20/64) - Unlimited - $14 - Out of StockJolteon (4, #04/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $150 - Out of StockJolteon (4, #04/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $50 - Out of StockKangaskhan (#21/64) - 1st Edition - $13 - 3 In StockKangaskhan (#21/64) - Unlimited - $5.25 - 1 In StockKangaskhan (5, #05/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $60 - Out of StockKangaskhan (5, #05/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $12 - Out of StockLickitung (#38/64) - 1st Edition - $3 - Out of StockLickitung (#38/64) - Unlimited - $0.75 - Out of StockMankey (#55/64) - 1st Edition - $1 - 9 In StockMankey (#55/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - 10 In StockMarowak (#39/64) - 1st Edition - $4 - Out of StockMarowak (#39/64) - Unlimited - $1 - Out of StockMeowth (#56/64) - 1st Edition - $2.5 - 2 In StockMeowth (#56/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - 17 In StockMr. Mime (#22/64) - 1st Edition - $13 - Out of StockMr. Mime (#22/64) - Unlimited - $9.5 - Out of StockMr. Mime (6, #06/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $80 - Out of StockMr. Mime (6, #06/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $24 - Out of StockNidoqueen (#23/64) - 1st Edition - $14 - Out of StockNidoqueen (#23/64) - Unlimited - $8 - Out of StockNidoqueen (7, #07/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $65 - Out of StockNidoqueen (7, #07/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $28 - Out of StockNidoran F (#57/64) - 1st Edition - $1 - 2 In StockNidoran F (#57/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - 3 In StockNidorina (#40/64) - 1st Edition - $2 - 2 In StockNidorina (#40/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - 10 In StockOddish (#58/64) - 1st Edition - $1 - 1 In StockOddish (#58/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - 6 In StockParas (#59/64) - 1st Edition - $1 - 2 In StockParas (#59/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - 12 In StockParasect (#41/64) - 1st Edition - $2 - 1 In StockParasect (#41/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - 4 In StockPersian (#42/64) - 1st Edition - $3 - Out of StockPersian (#42/64) - Unlimited - $0.75 - Out of StockPidgeot (#24/64) - 1st Edition - $12 - Out of StockPidgeot (#24/64) - Unlimited - $7 - 3 In StockPidgeot (8, #08/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $70 - Out of StockPidgeot (8, #08/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $38 - Out of StockPikachu (#60/64) - 1st Edition - $17 - 1 In StockPikachu (#60/64) - Unlimited - $1 - 39 In StockPinsir (#25/64) - 1st Edition - $12 - Out of StockPinsir (#25/64) - Unlimited - $4 - Out of StockPinsir (9, #09/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $85 - Out of StockPinsir (9, #09/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $28 - Out of StockPoke Ball (#64/64) - 1st Edition - $1 - Out of StockPoke Ball (#64/64) - Unlimited - $0.35 - 4 In StockPrimeape (#43/64) - 1st Edition - $3 - Out of StockPrimeape (#43/64) - Unlimited - $0.75 - 1 In StockRapidash (#44/64) - 1st Edition - $6.5 - Out of StockRapidash (#44/64) - Unlimited - $0.75 - Out of StockRhydon (#45/64) - 1st Edition - $5 - Out of StockRhydon (#45/64) - Unlimited - $0.75 - 4 In StockRhyhorn (#61/64) - 1st Edition - $1.25 - 2 In StockRhyhorn (#61/64) - Unlimited - $0.35 - 9 In StockScyther (#10/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $80 - Out of StockScyther (#10/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $36 - Out of StockScyther (#26/64) - 1st Edition - $28 - 1 In StockScyther (#26/64) - Unlimited - $14 - Out of StockSeaking (#46/64) - 1st Edition - $3 - Out of StockSeaking (#46/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - Out of StockSnorlax (#11/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $250 - Out of StockSnorlax (#11/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $50 - Out of StockSnorlax (#27/64) - 1st Edition - $38 - Out of StockSnorlax (#27/64) - Unlimited - $15 - Out of StockSpearow (#62/64) - 1st Edition - $1 - 2 In StockSpearow (#62/64) - Unlimited - $0.35 - 5 In StockTauros (#47/64) - 1st Edition - $3 - Out of StockTauros (#47/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - Out of StockVaporeon (#12/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $185 - Out of StockVaporeon (#12/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $22.04 - 12 In StockVaporeon (#28/64) - 1st Edition - $25 - Out of StockVaporeon (#28/64) - Unlimited - $8 - Out of StockVenomoth (#13/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $75 - Out of StockVenomoth (#13/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $22 - Out of StockVenomoth (#29/64) - 1st Edition - $9 - Out of StockVenomoth (#29/64) - Unlimited - $4 - 3 In StockVenonat (#63/64) - 1st Edition - $1 - 1 In StockVenonat (#63/64) - Unlimited - $0.35 - 7 In StockVictreebel (#14/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $75 - Out of StockVictreebel (#14/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $25 - Out of StockVictreebel (#30/64) - 1st Edition - $12 - Out of StockVictreebel (#30/64) - Unlimited - $5 - Out of StockVileplume (#15/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $35 - Out of StockVileplume (#15/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $32 - Out of StockVileplume (#31/64) - 1st Edition - $9 - Out of StockVileplume (#31/64) - Unlimited - $4.5 - Out of StockWeepinbell (#48/64) - 1st Edition - $3 - Out of StockWeepinbell (#48/64) - Unlimited - $0.5 - Out of StockWigglytuff (#16/64) - 1st Edition Holofoil - $50 - Out of StockWigglytuff (#16/64) - Unlimited Holofoil - $35 - 1 In StockWigglytuff (#32/64) - 1st Edition - $12 - Out of StockWigglytuff (#32/64) - Unlimited - $5 - Out of Stock