Magic Stronghold Games and Accessories


Item Details
Rarity: Common
Number: EX5-027 C
Description: ([Digivolve] [Frimon]: Cost 0)
[On Play] Search your security stack. You may add 1 card with [Leomon] in its name in it to your hand. If you added a card, [Recovery +1 "Deck"]. Then, shuffle your security stack.
Level: 3
Color: Green;Yellow
Digimon Power (DP): 1000
Digivolve 1 Level: 2
Digivolve 1 Color: Yellow
Digivolve 1 Cost: 1
Digivolve 2 Level: 2
Digivolve 2 Color: Green
Digivolve 2 Cost: 1
Digimon Form: Rookie
Digimon Attribute: Vaccine
Digimon Type: Holy Beast
Inherited Effect: [On Deletion] 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -2000 DP until the end of their turn.
Card Type: Digimon
Play Cost: 3
Lightly Played: 13 In Stock - $0.23